Monday, September 29, 2014


esp 2 WKBK
pgs 24-26
vocab 1-2 quiz friday

esp 3
WKST due tomorrow
pgs 7-9 due friday
quiz over stem changers and irregular pret friday

Monday, September 15, 2014


Esp 2 
workbook (cuaderno) pgs 1-2 due thursday
vocab quiz thursday unidad 1-1

Esp 3 
workbook (cuaderno) pgs 1-2 due thursday
vocab quiz thursday unidad 1-1

Monday, February 10, 2014



esp I
pgs 151-153 in cuaderno due friday
quiz over stem changers friday

esp III
pgs 122-124 due viernes
quiz over vocab viernes

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


esp i
pgs 148-150
vocab 4-1 quiz friday

esp 3
pgs 105-107
pruebaita por/para jueves (thursday)
prueba del unidad 3-1 (futuro, vocab, por/para) viernes (friday)

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

eday #3 elesson

eLesson #3
Teacher Name M. Wassmuth                School Westerville North HS

Course Name Español 1

Learning Target: I can use clothing vocabulary
I can use present tense verb forms
I can express costs
I can describe weather

Materials Needed: Textbook Unidades 1-4 pgs. 1-241

Lesson Overview: Students will be writing a description of their clothing, cost, and when you can wear the clothing.

Tasks (to include challenge activity as possible)
·         Imagine you could buy any clothes and money was no object. Write a detailed description of what clothing you would wear today.
·         Draw a picture or find a picture from catalogue, magazine, or internet to for each piece of clothing you will be wearing.
·         This project will be due no later than two weeks past the calamity day


Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
The student thoroughly develops all requirements of task
The student develops most requirements of the task
The student does no develop the requirements of the task

15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs
5 points
The student has all pieces of clothing described
The student has half of pieces of clothing described
The student has little to none of clothing described

Total number of points earned_____________ out of 50 points.

Course Name Español 3

!Celia cruz!
materials needed: celia cruz webquest, internet, textbook- unidad 1-4 pgs 1-267

do the attached webquest on Celia Cruz

Celia Cruz – La Vida de Una Diva

Ve al citio:   Escoja “Español”

“Su Vida”
1. ¿Dónde nació Celia Cruz?_________________________________________________________

2. ¿Cuántos miembros habían en su familia?_____________________________________________

3.  ¿Qué sabía hacer Celia antes de hablar? _____________________________________________

Selecciona “Los Comienzos de Celia Cruz”
4.  ¿Cómo consiguió el trabajo con la revista “Sun Sun Ba Baé”? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5.  ¿Con quiénes viajó Celia por toda Latinoamérica? ______________________________________________________________________________
6.  ¿Cómo le ayudaron las emisoras a Celia para ser famosa? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
7.  ¿Celia hizo un tributo a cuál artista famosa a quien admiraba? ______________________________________________________________________________

Selecciona “Su Exilio”
8.  ¿Cuáles años fueron turbulentos en Cuba, y por qué? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
9.  ¿A dónde se mudaron muchos Cubanos durante ese tiempo? ______________________________________________________________________________
10.  ¿Cuándo decidió Celia irse de Cuba, y por qué? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Selecciona “Sobreviviré” y “Los Tributos”
11.  ¿Cuántos premios ganó, y cuántos presidentes de los E.E.U.U. la invitaron a la Casa Blanca? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Selecciona “Transición”
12.  ¿Cuándo murió Celia Cruz, y de qué? ______________________________________________________________________________
13.  ¿Cuántas personas asistieron los funerales de Celia? ______________________________________________________________________________

“Su Música”

Selecciona “Canciones” y escucha tres canciones diferentes. 
14.  La Primera Canción: El nombre____________________________________________________

Describe la música, y da tu opinión.____________________________________________________

Escribe los instrumentos que escuchas._________________________________________________

15.  La Segunda Canción: El nombre____________________________________________________

Describe la música, y da tu opinión.____________________________________________________

Escribe los instrumentos que escuchas._________________________________________________

16.  La Tercera Canción:  El nombre____________________________________________________

Describe la música, y da tu opinión.________________________________­____________________

Escribe los instrumentos que escuchas.________________________________________________

Selecciona “Videos”
17.  ¿Qué nos enseña el primer video? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
18.  ¿Qué hacía Celia en los próximos videos? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
19.  Describe la ropa de Celia Cruz lleve en los videos. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
20.  ¿Qué opinas, usaba mucho maquillaje o poco Celia Cruz? ¿Por qué piensas así?  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Total number of points earned_____________ out of 15 points.

then write a letter to celia cruz asking her to colaborate with another famous person (ideally spanish speaking but does not have to be) for a community project/social action project. Explain what community project/social action project can do and why you are interested in this person's help. Use at least five examples of the subjunctive in your letter.

Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
student thoroughly develops all requirements of the task.
student develops most of the requirements of the task.

student does not develops the requirements of the task.


15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs

total ____/45

eday #2 elesson

eLesson #2

Teacher Name M. Wassmuth                School Westerville North HS
Course Name: Español 1

Materials Needed: Textbook Unidades 1-4 pgs. 1-241
Lesson Overview: Students will be writing a description of their clothing, cost, and when you can wear the clothing.

Learning targets
I can describe clothing
I can use the present tense

Tasks (to include challenge activity as possible)
·         Imagine you could buy any clothes and money was no object.
·         Write a detailed description of what clothing you would wear today. Including the following in at least 8 sentences:
ü  Description of the clothing (color, material, etc.)
ü  Cost of clothing
ü  In what season you can wear the clothing
ü  What activities you can do wearing these articles of clothing.
·         Draw a picture or find a picture from catalogue, magazine, or internet to for each piece of clothing you will be wearing.
·         This project will be due no later than two weeks past the calamity day

Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
The student thoroughly develops all requirements of task
The student develops most requirements of the task
The student does no develop the requirements of the task

15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs
5 points
The student has all pieces of clothing described
The student has half of pieces of clothing described
The student has little to none of clothing described

Total number of points earned_____________ out of 50 points.

Course Name: Español 3
Escribe sobre los edades  

material needed: textbook, unidades 1-3 p 1-207

Overview: Students will be describing their life; how it was, is, and will be.
Learning targets:
I can use the future tense
I can use the preterito tense
I can use the present tense
I can describe my life


  • Write an essay about which you think is the best age. 
  • Describe you own childhood, you actual age, and what you think it will be like to be an adult. 
  • Use the preterito, presente, and future.

organize your thoughts into the following periods;
mi ninez: ¿Cómo era? que hacia?
mi vida actual: ¿Cómo es? que hago?
mi vida adulta: ¿Cómo será? que hare?

Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
student thoroughly develops all requirements of   the task.
student develops most of the requirements of the task.

student does not develops the requirements of the task.


15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs

total ____/45

eday elsson #1

eLesson #1

Teacher Name M. Wassmuth                School Westerville North HS

Course Name Español 1

elesson #1
Plan a family reunion

material needed: textbook, unidades 1-3 pgs 1-188

Learning targets:
I can use family and food vocabulary
I can use possessives and proper present tense verbs
I can describe likes and dislikes 

Your family is hosting a reunion with all of your extended family members. You are in charge of organizing a breakfast for everyone. 
  • Create a seating chart, and label each spot with person's name, age, and relationship to you. 
  • Write what breakfast foods and drinks each person likes and does not like.

must have at least 15 people with 3 different generations. Families can be real of completely fictional. 

Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
student thoroughly develops all requirements of the task.
student develops most of the requirements of the task.

student does not develops the requirements of the task.


15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs

Total out of _____/45

Course Name Español 3

¿Qué hacer y donde?

material needed: textbook, unidades 1-2 pgs 1-147

Learning targets:
I can use command verb forms
I can use camping vocabulary
I can tell people what to do and not to do

Students will writing an advice column for the school newspaper and you receive a letter asking what to do and what not to do while camping. 
  • Write a column giving advice with specifics. 
  • Include information about where to go (where not to go), what to wear (what not to wear), and what to do (what not to do). 
  • Use commands in your impersonal expressions for giving your advice.
Writing Criteria
15-11 pts
10-5 points

15 points
student thoroughly develops all requirements of the task.
student develops most of the requirements of the task.

student does not develops the requirements of the task.


15 points
Good variety of appropriate vocabulary
Adequate variety of appropriate vocabulary
The vocabulary is not appropriate
15 points
The student demonstrates excellent control of verb forms
The student demonstrates adequate control of verb forms
The student demonstrates poor control of verbs